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Morning at Mart

Finally physically at the Mart in Rovereto, an enveloping, contemporary museum space, an architect respectful of a mental path, roundly adapted to thought and to the collection. The permanent certainly has the expected dignity, the temporary is weaker but more interesting.

My attention lingers on what I still consider my "comfort zone": a very nice Munari from 1933 whose title fits me perfectly.

“Eight colors in a square”.

Implacable Melotti and stimulating all the futurists. I walk and I easily recognize the quality in the sequence of the stagings, Depero and Carrá from life resonate with my sensitivity, Casorati captivating, Severini and Prampolini disturbing, Balla instead will have a sequel in my production, I think, I need to elaborate with a new aesthetics what was already new.

It intrigues me, it stimulates a mental movement, there are still some real elements that can be retained.

The fact that a completely non-figurative language is experienced in history, with forms that lack correspondence with visible reality is a "step" that intrigues me and that I am still slowly metabolising. I like to use them, I'm interested in the inner landscapes of Evola, the avant-garde, the artistic suicide after a few years, the abstract, esoteric element, with an eye to oriental doctrines, and ultimately philosophical. A fun journey of shapes, colors, lines and coded messages. Everything I expect from an artistic path.

In conclusion, my respect and admiration for the sculptures of Giuliano Vangi, which I did not know, and with surprise I appreciated from the first to the last work.

Polychrome aluminum, glass, porcelain… the “laughing woman”. In '68, she looks like a disabled person, but she's a Laughing Woman and that's it. Intense. The rest of the works and the installation, especially when the sculpture interfaces with the background of the drawing that represents it, ….superlative!

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